A difficulty in eating healthy is knowing which kinds of foods are acceptable and which are not. This is a major concern for college students that are constantly on the go. A choice that many students usually make is going out to eat for food. I know I am one that would rather have food made for me than making it myself in the kitchen.
I have a hard time as is eating healthy in my own apartment, but that doesn't mean all of that hard work goes to the way side when you decide to eat out. This can become one of the most stressful things for me to do with my friends. I want to go out and enjoy myself, but at what cost does that amount to in the end?
I feel pressure from my friends to order hamburgers, eat fried foods, and indulge in deserts that I know I shouldn't be eating. I even sometimes get poked fun at because I would rather order grilled chicken than eat buffalo wings. Most of the time I just avoid going out to eat altogether, because that's the easiest route in order to avoid eating unhealthy food. I am a person who
LOVES LOVES LOVES food, so as you can imagine this type of dedication is near to impossible.
This is why I wanted to share a few ground rules, so you can still go out and enjoy eating with your friends. Also, I want to better educate others on choices they can make instead of always having to choose the typical grilled chicken meal. There are plenty of other choices that are available. The first thing you have to know first is being able to recognize these opportunities. Many of these rules are based on things you can do differently in order to save on calories, while still being able to eat some of your favorite foods.
Rule #1
Consume a protein-heavy appetizer. A study published in
Psychology & Behavior showed that people who consumed this type of appetizer consumed an average of 16% fewer calories in their entrees.
Ex: Red Lobster
Typical Choice: Cheesy Garlic Rolls
Better choice: Shrimp Cocktail
Rule #2
-Skip the booze. Due to your body recognizing alcohol as a toxin, it works to burn these calories first-meaning that the calories in the food that you eat alongside the booze are more likely to be stored as fat.
Typical Choice: Bud Light, Coors, etc.
Better Choice: Water
Rule #3
-Pass on the combo meals. People who take this additional deal spend an average of 17% more money and receive an average of 55 % more calories.
Ex: McDonalds
Typical Choice: #1 Big Mac, Fries, and Drink
Better Choice: Just the sandwich
Rule #4
-Focus on the Foundations. Three deep-dish slices from Domino's, before toppings, will cost you 1,002 calories. Downsize that to thin crust and you just eliminated 420 calories without lifting a finger.
Rule #5
-Side with Sides. Some of the best nutritional bargains at many restaurants are found on the side items menu. Black beans and rice, roasted vegetables, and mixed greens are among the best bets. Many times, two side orders will do half the damage as one entrée!
To read more about these rules check out the
Men's Health article.