Thursday, April 14, 2011

Health Risks with Energy/Sports Drinks

Have you ever consumed an energy drink?  What about drinking a Gatorade after a sports event?  I recently discovered through watching CBN that you may what to rethink this choice next time.

This video just goes to show how dangerous energy drinks can be to your health.  There are many risks associated with consuming these on a daily basis such as increased blood pressure, dehydration, seizures, strokes, heart palpations, and much more.  It also shows that sports drinks are not as friendly as everyone thought they were meant to be.  The one thing I was shocked that they did to your body was it erodes away at your teeth, which can cause a frequent increase in cavities. 

Finding out about this information has really made me rethink my choice of drink.  Here's a little background information on my own consumption of these products.  I used to constatnly purchase a Monster Energy before every workout, which gave me that extra boost in order to get in the gym.  Before and after every football game, I would drink at least a couple of Gatorades.  I have just recently begun feeling the side effects of the energy drinks.  I am constantly getting horrible headaches, because I consume so much caffeine on a daily basis.  My body has gotten so used to this substance in my body that is craves this need, which in returns creates these headaches.  It definitely is not a good feeling.

The main reason why I wanted to share this information with my audience is because I found it extremely important to college students.  I know based on my observations that kids use energy drinks as a source of energy to study for tests, complete homework, mix with alcoholic beverages, and cram for finals.  That is why it is so imperative to educate this segment in order to make better choices for their bodies.  I am not saying you need to completely cut energy drinks out of your diet, but make sure you limit yourself.  The more caffeine you put in your body, the more stress you put on your heart.  Also, I know Gatorade drinks are thirst quenching, but if you don't want cavities I would just stick to water.

If you want to read more about this article, check out the CBN website.

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